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Welcome to The Well-being Hub, providing balance and relief through Bowen Technique Therapy and complementary wellness.

The Well-being Hub is a warm and tranquil space in the heart of the village of Welton, Lincoln. Sam Norton is a registered complimentary  Bowen therapist who trained in the original Bowen Technique, developed by its founder, Tom Bowen. Sam has experienced first-hand, the positive and life-changing effects the therapy has to offer. This inspired Sam to train as a Bowen therapist and provide others with the potential positive effects of Bowen. In 2023, Sam established the Well-being Hub. 

The Bowen Technique is a unique, gentle hands-on complementary therapy in it's own right, which works with the body's fascia and nervous system, via precise movement to stimulate and re-balance muscles, potentially providing a significant and beneficial effect on the whole body.
Bowen Therapy may provide relief from troubling aches and pains, injuries -including sports injuries, has the potential to aid conception and menstrual issues, relieve some long-standing issues, and in some cases, possibly help with some neurological illnesses. Bowen Therapy may also be beneficial in combatting stress, as a form of relaxation, and be good for your general overall well-being. 

It is a safe and effective therapy for everyone from birth upwards, and including those who may have additional health issues or needs.


Inside The Well-being Hub
A client receiving Bowen Therapy in The Well-being Hub
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